Ph. D–level instruction. 25+ years experience...
Not “student instructors”
Ph. D–level grammatical analysis, using technical terms .
Not cutesy drivel1
Ph. D-level analysis of actual test Questions & Answers.
Not dumbed-down explanations
In-depth understanding of the limited number of grammatical categories that the ACT and SAT test you on...
Not amateurish, 5th grade fluff
The perspective of the test-maker...
Not just the test-taker
Concise, ultra-simplified, 1-page overviews and charts covering every category on the ACT and SAT...
Not thick and wordy booklets
Insights into to the Flow of Logic of Reading Passages, using “patented” super X-ray analysis of reading passages . . .
Not nothing (reading tips that are shortcuts to nowhere)
The Greatest ACT / SAT Vocabulary List Ever Assembled—along with state of the art Cognitive Psychology mnemonics for learning the words2
Not partial lists with meaningless sentences, such as “Martha’s aunt was very dyspeptic after reading about herself in [you name it] Preparation Booklet...”
Proven results:
“Best Tutor in Texas” students average greater than 5 points improvement over any previous ACT score
34, 35, and perfect 36 – three of the ACT scores from “The Best Tutor in Texas” students – higher than the Harvard average!
Over 99% satisfaction rating with over 125 sessions in 2010-2011 – and that from the critics!
Not statistically padded claims.
Relaxation techniques for test anxiety . . .
Not test anxiety!